SHREE SHARAVU CHITS PRIVATE LIMITED .A Company Registered Under The Companies act 2013andoperates as per the Chit Fund (Karnataka) Rules 1983. Registered office at Door No.13-1-25/76,2nd floor,Ideal Towers, Shree Sharavu Mahaganapathi Temple Road,Mangaluru-575001.
SHREE SHARAVU CHITS started Chit Fund business with an intention to bring social control over Chit Fund business so as to protect the public from being exploited by unregistered/unorganized chit operators. SHREE SHARAVU CHITS has a reputation in the market for stability, reliability and integrity. Trustworthiness, transparency in operation. The schemes under SHREE SHARAVU CHITS are designed to cater all income groups and all segments of the society. The main objective of the company is to provide need based financial plans to its Member.